Friday, November 2, 2007

When I see ______ on a menu, I have to order it.

Everyone has a short list of items they love so much and find so rarely that it supercedes all other alternatives when it appears on a menu. For Chip, it was fried chicken livers, for CVDJ, it’s Green Tea Mochi and for Becca, its chicken fingers (these are surprisingly rare in the places we, her friends, like to drag her to).

For me, that list is perhaps a little longer. Baja-style fish tacos (I loved them BEFORE the Tribune’s big fuss, but appreciate their efforts), fresh eggplant parmesan, fried dill pickles and sweet potato fries to name a few. Also, fairly high on this list is butternut squash or pumpkin ravioli. Oh my wow. Usually served with a sage-y walnut sauce, it is a really delicious blend of sweet, salty and that “je ne sais quoi” smoky, fall taste.

That said, you can probably guess what my response was when I got my Harvest Eating newsletter today and the video below was enclosed. We now have an accidentally vegetarian run-off going between semi-homemade butternut squash ravioli and wild mushroom & spinach lasagna. Make your votes known in the commentary.

And while you’re at it…fill in the blank and let me know what it is YOU can’t help but order when you’re out and about. You may just find a TKTC version on an upcoming dinner party menu☺

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